Kingdom Awareness

Real Talk with Devara "Teenagers and Contraceptives"



Teenagers and Contraceptives Do you have a teenager OR had a teenager who is now an adult? Well tonight at 6:30pm on Real Talk with Devara we will be discussing whether or not it’s okay for the parent to give their teenager contraceptives when the parent doesn’t approve of their teen having sex. This is a controversial topic due to the fact that some people feel that when a parent gives their teenager contraceptives the parent is approving of their teens sexual activity. On the other hand, some people feel that a parent should not give their teenager contraceptives and that if the teen gets pregnant (or gets someone pregnant) they should take responsibility for their actions.  If you are dealing with this situation right now and you’re not exactly sure what to do, tune in tonight for Real Talk.  Or if you have any experience in this topic we could use your input.  Call (310)982-4267 tonight at 6:30pm, EST to give your input or click this link or go to to listen in. Your questions