Streetwise Hebrew

#261 Mm Hm, That's Exactly Right



How do we agree with someone in Hebrew? How do we say, I hear you, totally, yeah, right, spot on, exactly? Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Bool ma she-amart/amarta - Exactly what you’ve said - בול מה שאמרת Bool - Spot on, absolutely - בול Bool ba-zman - Right on time - בול בזמן Maskim - I agree - מסכים Maskim itcha lahalutin - I totally agree with you - מסכים איתך לחלוטין Legamray, maskim itcha la-halutin - Totally, I totally agree with you - לגמרי, מסכים איתך לחלוטין Diyuk - Precision - דיוק Bidiyuk, bidyuk, maskim itcha, bidiyuk - Exactly, I agree with you, right - בדיוק, בדיוק, מסכים איתך, בדיוק Bidiyuk/mamash kacha - Exactly like this - בדיוק/ממש ככה Tachles - Cut to the chase/I hear you - תכל’ס Nachon - Right, correct - נכון Ze nachon ma she-amart - It’s true what you said - זה נכון מה שאמרת Baroor - Clearly/It’s clear - ברור Betach - Sure - בטח Todarling - Toda+darling - תודרלינג   Playlist and Clips: Ariel Zilber – Milliard Sinim (lyrics) Efraim Shamir – Na