New Books In Literature

jayy dodd, "The Black Condition Ft. Narcissus" (Nightboat Books, 2019)



If the prompt is “respond to a myth of Narcissus using thoughtful, meditative poems,” then jayy dodd gave us a beautiful answer. In The Black Condition Ft. Narcissus (Nightboat Books, 2019),  jayy dodd offers her own brilliant reflections on so many things: the contemporary moment, dystopia, her transition, and more. In this interview, jayy dodd shares poems from this collection, discusses the process of making the book come to light, and talks about her other projects.jayy dodd is a blxk trans womxn from Los Angeles, California who is now based in Portland, Oregon. She is a poet and a performance artist. You can also follow her on Twitter and Instagram at @deyblxk.Adrian King (pronouns: they/them/theirs) is a recently graduate of Brandies University’s Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies MA program and is an incoming graduate student in University of Michigan’s American Culture PhD program.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit