Take 2: Utah's Legislature With Heidi Hatch, Greg Hughes And Jim Dabakis

Take 2 - Trump racist tweets, minimum wage hike & legalized heroin injection sites



 The 23rd episode of the Take 2 podcast features 2News Anchor Heidi Hatch and former Speaker of the House Greg Hughes (R) and The Exoro Group's Maura Carabello. The panel tackles the latest poll on how Utahns feel about President Trump's job performance and his social media posting habits. Other topics discussed include: Racist tweets or POTUS speaking truth? Abortion Resolution: Local municipalities chiming in 9/11 bill: Sen. Mike Lee was a big part in holding it up, then pushing a much different plan. (Still $10 billion for 10 years.) Homeless shelters behind schedule: Asking for $21 million bridge loan. Need the money to pay contractors on time. Fundraising would pay it back. Utah lawmaker wants to legalize safe places to inject heroin and provide treatment options. Great idea or worst ever? Utah lawmakers will soon debate the idea. State Rep. Jennifer Dailey-Provost is leading the charge. Federal minimum wage $15 an hour: 6 Democrats voted against it yesterday in the House. Rep. Be