Take 2: Utah's Legislature With Heidi Hatch, Greg Hughes And Jim Dabakis

Take 2 - Driver's licenses data used by feds, inland port protest and ICE raids



This week on the Take 2 podcast, 2News Anchor Heidi Hatch is joined by former Speaker of the House Greg Hughes (R) and The Exoro Group's Maura Carabello. The trio discussed if Utah driver's license information is being used illegally by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and additional topics including: Utah Inland Port Authority protesters: Police, media and messaging. Trump announcing he will drop the census fight: Is there a reason to fight for the citizenship question? State 3-day teleworking: Does it work? Presidential candidate Kamala Harris: Utah visit a hoax but is she still invited to the Beehive State?  District 4 has a new candidate: KSL Radio's Jay McFarland enters the race against Rep. Ben McAdams, days after Mia Love says she may run again. ICE raids start this weekend: Gov. Gary Herbert says not in Utah.