Streetwise Hebrew

#265 Wait, I Need to Exchange Currency



So you're on summer holiday. Do you stay at a hotel or go for a house swap? Will you exchange currency? Who is filling in for you at work while you're gone? The Hebrew root חלפ is the focus of this week's episode. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Lehachlif - To exchange, to replace, to swap - להחליף Atsa, atsot - Seaweed - אצה, אצות Ha-atsa yechola lehachlif basar - The seaweed can replace meat - האצה יכולה להחליף בשר Hi yechola lehachlif helbon min ha-hai - It can replace protein from animals - היא יכולה להחליף חלבון מן החי Kaniti et ze po, ani rotse lehachlif et ze - I bought it here, I’d like to exchange it - קניתי את זה פה, אני רוצה להחליף את זה Efshar lehachlif li et ze vaksha? - Could you please exchange it for me? - ?אפשר להחליף לי את זה (ב)בקשה Samti petek hachlafa - I put an exchange note - שמתי פתק החלפה “Hachlafot” - Trading (kids) - החלפות Dira lehachlafa - House swap - דירה להחלפה Hachlafat kesef - Currency exchange - החלפת כסף Ani tsarich lehachlif ke