Wellness Uncensored

The Why Behind Wellness Uncensored



Rachel Cornell and Meg Stypa are friends, co-creators and the hosts of the Wellness Uncensored podcast.    In the first episode, Rachel and Meg recount how they came together, including the important role their intuition played. They discuss the mission of Wellness Uncensored — to build an inclusive community that supports all women as they explore a holistic approach to well-being — and why it’s so important to each of them based on their own experience.    1:40 The isolating experience that inspired Rachel to create Wellness Uncensored and the vision she has for what the community will mean to women    6:35 Why Wellness Uncensored was put on pause   8:10 How the Universe brought Rachel and Meg together    11:30 Picking up WU where Rachel left off    13:44 Proof of the importance of listening to your intuition    14:30 Meg’s WU why    17:12 Connecting conversations on mind, body, and especially soul   19:09 Discussing the dark days on our wellness journeys    21:15 What’s next for WU    Don’t forget to hit s