Streetwise Hebrew

#268 No Thanks!



Sometimes people offer us things that we simply don’t want. Telemarketing? No thanks. A leaflet about a new yoga studio around the corner? No thank you. What about an offering of a slice of cheesecake baked by your friend when you're on a diet? How do we decline an offer (politely or impolitely) in Hebrew? On this episode, Guy supplies you with a toolkit for those moments when you need to decline an offer. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Alonim - Leaflets - עלונים Lo, toda - No, thanks - לא, תודה Toda, lo me’unyan/me’unyenet - Thanks, I am not interested - תודה, לא מעוניין/מעוניינת Sori, lo karega - Sorry, not right now - סורי, לא כרגע Slicha, lo! - Sorry, no! - !סליחה, לא Lo mat’im - Not ‘fitting’, not interested - לא מתאים Amarti she-ze lo mat’im - I said that I wasn’t interested - אמרתי שזה לא מתאים Lo rotse, lo rotsa - I don’t want - לא רוצה Slicha, ani be-pgisha - Sorry, I am in a meeting - סליחה, אני בפגישה Lo toda, shalom! - No thanks, shalom! - !לא תודה, ש