Redefine™ With Host Robb Braun

It's Risky to be Risky



Leading Life Large - Or is it?  Safety...I love 'safety'!  It's comfortable, predictable, explainable and acceptable - all the things that help us to continue to be with those who are settling in life.  You may say you want to set yourself apart from the masses  - be unique because you've heard 'differentiators succeed' - and yet you are still playing it safe, which I believe to be risky.  Tune in and let's get risky together. we go!  I have never been more excited to be of service to you and your success in life.  Leading Life Large and I will be completely committed to helping you to achieve success in every endeavor and every aspect  of your life.  I am committed to bringing my game to my high lest level possible and give you everything I've got so that you get everything you need to bust out and live a phenomenal life.  Let's go for it...I mean really go for it and see what happens.  To your 'unreasonable' success! - Robb