Theology Gals

Ordo Salutis – Order of Salvation



Theology Gals | Episode 23 This week Nick Visel joins the gals to discuss the Ordo Salutis, the order of salvation. Check out Nick's podcast, Reformed Pilgrims.  Episode Resources: Reformed Pilgrims Podcast A Casual Conversation about Sanctification - Reformed Pilgrims  Lordship Controversy - Theology Gals Sanctification Is A Work Of God’s Grace: Resources On Sanctification - Heidelblog Westminster Larger Catechism 51-90 Westminster Shorter Catechism 29-38 Women can join our Facebook Group Theology Gals-Ladies Theology Discussion and Encouragement Follow us: On Facebook On Twitter @TheologyGals On Instagram theologygals Email us at If you'd like to ask Theology Gals a question which may be answered on a future episode, you can text or leave a voicemail at (951) 407-0234. You may also send an email.  Consider supporting Theology Gals with just a few dollars a month