Theology Gals

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 41:17:42
  • Mais informações



Theology Gals is a podcast by women. Coleen, Ashley and Angela bring a biblical, reformed Christian perspective to the table. They discuss theology, studying Gods word and the importance of applying it to the Christian life.


  • Pregnancy and Infant Loss, and Infertility

    27/10/2019 Duração: 58min

    Theology Gals | Episode 134 This week Coleen and Rachel talk about pregnancy and infant loss, and infertility.  This episode deals with sensitive subjects.  Episode Resources: Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness by Rachel Miller People Say Stupid Things: What Not to Say When a Baby Dies by Rachel Miller Innocence Lost…. And Regained by Rachel Miller Perinatal Hospice & Palliative Care Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep - Remembrance Portraits  A Beautiful Remembrance - Gifts for those grieving the loss of a child through death, stillbirth, and miscarriage.  A Heart Set Free: A Journey to Hope Through the Psalms of Lament by Christina Fox  Women can join Theology Gals Facebook Group Theology Gals-Ladies Theology Discussion and Encouragement Follow Theology Gals: On Facebook On Twitter @TheologyGals On Instagram theologygals Email us at  

  • Q&A Men and Women in Family, Church and Society

    20/10/2019 Duração: 55min

    Theology Gals | Episode 134 This week Coleen and Rachel answer listener questions about the recent Theology Gals series on men and women. Some of the topics they discuss are 1 Timothy 2:15, ESS, 1 Peter 2:1&2, patriarchy.  Episode Resources: Women and Church Authority Todd Bordow Sermon Eternal Subordination of the Son with Rachel Miller Theology Gals Episode Purpose of Marriage Theology Gals Episode  Is Complementarianism Just Another Word for Patriarchy? by Rachel Miller  Patriarchy Part 1 with Rachel Miller  Patriarchy Part 2 with Rachel Miller  Women can join Theology Gals Facebook Group Theology Gals-Ladies Theology Discussion and Encouragement Follow Theology Gals: On Facebook On Twitter @TheologyGals On Instagram theologygals Email us at  

  • Divorce with Pastor Todd Bordow

    13/10/2019 Duração: 01h09min

    Theology Gals | Episode 133 This week Coleen and Rachel discuss the topic of divorce with Pastor Todd Bordow. Todd is the pastor of Cornerstone Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Houston Texas.  Episode Resources: A RETHINKING OF THE TRADITIONAL DIVORCE EXCEPTION UNDERSTANDING OF MATTHEW 5:31-32 AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR PASTORAL COUNSELING By Todd S. Bordow  Glory Cloud Podcast - Interview with Pastor Todd Bordow about his dissertation on divorce Glory Cloud Podcast  Women can join Theology Gals Facebook Group Theology Gals-Ladies Theology Discussion and Encouragement Follow Theology Gals: On Facebook On Twitter @TheologyGals On Instagram theologygals Email us at

  • The Purpose of Marriage

    07/10/2019 Duração: 51min

    Theology Gals| Episode 132   This week Coleen and Rachel discuss the purpose of marriage.  Women can join our Facebook Group Theology Gals-Ladies Theology Discussion and Encouragement Follow us: On Facebook On Twitter @TheologyGals On Instagram theologygals Email us at Consider supporting Theology Gals with just a few dollars a month.  

  • Women: Work & Callings

    29/09/2019 Duração: 01h23s
  • Masculine and Feminine in the Church

    22/09/2019 Duração: 48min

    Theology Gals| Episode 130 This week Coleen and Rachel discuss various views on masculine and feminine in the church. Episode Resources: "Men and women effectively function in separate and distinct domains. We have men’s ministries and women’s ministries. We have programs for our senior high girls and guys. The local Christian bookstore even sells different Bibles for women and men. On the one hand, women in conservative churches teach women’s Bible studies and take care of most of the childcare needs, from nursery to children’s Sunday School and choirs. They are tasked with most of the hospitality functions in the church: wedding and baby showers, potluck (pot providence?) dinners, coffee and donuts in the narthex. Women also take care of many of the mercy ministry needs, such as meals for the sick or for new mothers. Women’s Bible studies are likely to focus on biblical womanhood, motherhood, and hospitality. Typically, lay men, on the other hand, teach men’s and coed Bible studies and most youth group pro

  • Are Women More Easily Deceived?

    15/09/2019 Duração: 41min

    Theology Gals | Episode 129 1 Timothy 2:11-15 is sometimes used to argue that all women are more easily deceived than men, but is this a correct understanding of the text? This week Coleen and Rachel discuss whether women are more easily deceived and the consequences of this view.  Episode Resources: Beyond Authority and Submission:Women and Men in Marriage, Church and Society by Rachel Green Miller  No Little Women: Equipping All Women in the Household of God by Aimee Byrd   Women can join Theology Gals Facebook Group Theology Gals-Ladies Theology Discussion and Encouragement Follow Theology Gals: On Facebook On Twitter @TheologyGals On Instagram theologygals Email us at  

  • Beyond Authority and Submission by Rachel Miller

    08/09/2019 Duração: 01h12min

    Theology Gals | Episode 128 This week Coleen and Angela talk with Rachel Miller about her new book Beyond Authority and Submission: Women and Men in Marriage, Church, and Society.  Episode Resources: Beyond Authority and Submission: Women and Men in Marriage, Church, and Society by Rachel Green Miller Launch Day Post  Introduction to Beyond Authority and Submission WHAT AM I: FEMINIST, EGALITARIAN, COMPLEMENTARIAN? by Rachel Green Miller  Eternal Subordination of the Son with Rachel Miller Theology Gals Episode  Patriarchy Part 1 with Rachel Miller  Patriarchy Part 2 with Rachel Miller  Feminism with Rachel Miller  Women can join Theology Gals Facebook Group Theology Gals-Ladies Theology Discussion and Encouragement Follow Theology Gals: On Facebook On Twitter @TheologyGals On Instagram theologygals Email us at  

  • Q&A Wisdom Episode

    01/09/2019 Duração: 01h59s

    Theology Gals | Episode 127 This week Coleen and Angela answer listener questions. Some of the topics covered are: quiet times, reading teachers that have serious theological error, enneagram and others. A note regarding this episode: One of the listener questions involved was regarding a teacher we are not familiar with. Our answer was not regarding that specific teacher but rather teachers in general that promote serious theological errors.  Women can join Theology Gals Facebook Group Theology Gals-Ladies Theology Discussion and Encouragement Follow Theology Gals: On Facebook On Twitter @TheologyGals On Instagram theologygals Email us at  

  • Theology Gals Rewind – Guilt, Grace, Gratitude

    18/08/2019 Duração: 26min

    Theology Gals | Episode 126 On this episode of Theology Gals, Coleen and Angela talk about guilt grace and gratitude and the Heidelberg catechism.  You can purchase Theology Gals merchandise here.  You can find the Five Solas Christmas ornaments  in her Etsy shop or through her Facebook store.  Episode Resources: Guilt Grace Gratitude (White Horse Inn) Heidelberg Catechism  Women can join our Facebook Group Theology Gals-Ladies Theology Discussion and Encouragement Follow us: On Facebook On Twitter @TheologyGals On Instagram theologygals Email us at If you'd like to ask Theology Gals a question which may be answered on a future episode, you can text or leave a voicemail at (951) 407-0234. You may also send an email.  Consider supporting Theology Gals with just a few dollars a month

  • Theology Gals Rewind – The Gospel for Indebted Women, and Everyone Else

    11/08/2019 Duração: 01h21min

    Theology Gals | Episode 125 On this week's episode of Theology Gals, Coleen and Angela discuss a recent viral article from Lori Alexander that said men prefer debt free virgins without tattoos. They also discuss other errors from websites and books directed at Christian women. This episode is not just for the ladies. Our Christian men need to be aware of the types of things Christian women are hearing.  If you're a woman that happened upon this episode, you're looking for hope, maybe you've been hurt by some of the things we talk about here, I encourage you to listen to this message The Gospel for Those Broken by the Church.  Episode Resources: Does God Require Women To Be Debt and Tattoo-Free Virgins? by Brooke Ventura  An Open Letter to the Author of “Men Prefer Debt-Free Virgins Without Tattoos” by Erica Wilkinson  Purity Culture with Rebecca Lemke | Theology Gals | Episode 52 Created To Be His Help Meet review by Tim Challies & Part 2 Women can join our Facebook Group Theology Gals-Ladies Theology D

  • Revived Thoughts Podcast & An Update on MOPS

    04/08/2019 Duração: 44min

    Theology Gals | Episode 124 This week we have a two part episode. The first half, Coleen and Angela talk to the hosts of the Revived Thoughts podcast. During the second the gals give an update on our MOPS episode and the responses.  Episode Resources: Revived Thoughts Podcast  Dear Mandy: Our Final Statement Concerning MOPS It’s Time to Say Goodbye to MOPS International (Mothers of Preschoolers) Theology Gals podcast  Why Your Church (and You, Believer) Should Stop Associating with MOPS International Check out: Prescribed Truth Podcast  The Everyday Ministry podcast  Women can join our Facebook Group Theology Gals-Ladies Theology Discussion and Encouragement Follow us: On Facebook On Twitter @TheologyGals On Instagram theologygals Email us at If you'd like to ask Theology Gals a question which may be answered on a future episode, you can text or leave a voicemail at (951) 407-0234. You may also send an email.  Consider supporting Theology Gals with just a few dollars a month

  • Ordo Salutis – Order of Salvation

    28/07/2019 Duração: 01h16min

    Theology Gals | Episode 23 This week Nick Visel joins the gals to discuss the Ordo Salutis, the order of salvation. Check out Nick's podcast, Reformed Pilgrims.  Episode Resources: Reformed Pilgrims Podcast A Casual Conversation about Sanctification - Reformed Pilgrims  Lordship Controversy - Theology Gals Sanctification Is A Work Of God’s Grace: Resources On Sanctification - Heidelblog Westminster Larger Catechism 51-90 Westminster Shorter Catechism 29-38 Women can join our Facebook Group Theology Gals-Ladies Theology Discussion and Encouragement Follow us: On Facebook On Twitter @TheologyGals On Instagram theologygals Email us at If you'd like to ask Theology Gals a question which may be answered on a future episode, you can text or leave a voicemail at (951) 407-0234. You may also send an email.  Consider supporting Theology Gals with just a few dollars a month  

  • Sufficient Hope with Christina Fox

    21/07/2019 Duração: 42min

    This week Coleen and Angela talk with Christina Fox about her new book Sufficient Hope.    Episode Resources: Sufficient Hope: Gospel Meditations and Prayers for Moms by Christina Fox  Women can join our Facebook Group Theology Gals-Ladies Theology Discussion and Encouragement Follow us: On Facebook On Twitter @TheologyGals On Instagram theologygals Email us at If you'd like to ask Theology Gals a question which may be answered on a future episode, you can text or leave a voicemail at (951) 407-0234. You may also send an email.  Consider supporting Theology Gals with just a few dollars a month  

  • Comfort in Suffering

    14/07/2019 Duração: 01h01min

    Theology Gals | Episode 121 This week Coleen and Angela talk about suffering and the comfort we find in the Word of God.  Episode Resources: God  gives us more than we can handle 2 Corinthians 1 We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about the hardships we suffered in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired even of life. Indeed, in our hearts we felt the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead. 2 Corinthians 1:8&9 We suffer that we may rely not on ourselves, but on God.  We should not minimize the reality of suffering in our lives. It is not sinful to have appropriate sorrow or grief, to mourn  Comfort in our suffering  We should take comfort because the Lord cares for us  in the midst of suffering, He is with us in our pain Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our af

  • Children and Church

    07/07/2019 Duração: 01h04min

    Theology Gals | Episode 20 This week Coleen and Angela talk about children in church. Should we have our kids in the worship service? What different models do various churches follow? They discuss the difference between the family integrated church movement and the Reformed view. Episode Resources: When did Sunday Schools start? Children's Church or Children in the Church? Why I Cannot Sign the Family Integrated Church Confession Women can join our Facebook Group Theology Gals-Ladies Theology Discussion and Encouragement Follow us: On Facebook On Twitter @TheologyGals On Instagram theologygals Email us at If you'd like to ask Theology Gals a question which may be answered on a future episode, you can text or leave a voicemail at (951) 407-0234. You may also send an email. Consider supporting Theology Gals with just a few dollars a month  

  • Q&A: Eat the meat and spit out the bones?, Matthew 18 and exposing false teachers, addressing the truth in love, confronting family members of sin, private revelation

    30/06/2019 Duração: 44min

    Theology Gals   This week Coleen and Angela answer listener questions. Should we confront public teachers before exposing their false doctrine? Why shouldn't we eat the meat and spit out the bones with heretical teachers? How do you handle the tension of loving and engaging in critical conversations with brothers and sisters you believe to be in error, doctrinally (secondary / tertiary)? Can a women lead a church group, congregation, family (when husband is there) in prayer, does this give her spiritual authority? Are there exceptions to God giving private revelations today? Theology Gals merch Episode Resources: Bluestocking Baptists Reformation Stories - Hannah Oliver Women can join our Facebook Group Theology Gals-Ladies Theology Discussion and Encouragement Follow us: On Facebook On Twitter @TheologyGals On Instagram theologygals Email us at If you'd like to ask Theology Gals a question which may be answered on a future episode, you can text or leave a voicemail at (951) 407-02

  • Legalism, Antinomianism & Christian Liberty

    23/06/2019 Duração: 41min

    This week Coleen and Angela discuss legalism, antinomianism and Christian Liberty. Episode Resources: Christian Liberty - Reformed Pilgrims Heidelcast Series: Nomism And Antinomianism Heidelberg 91: What Are Good Works? (1) R. Scott Clark Heidelberg 91: What Are Good Works? (2) R. Scott Clark What Hath Beer To Do With Calvin? Christian Liberty Is Not License R. Scott Clark   Women can join our Facebook Group Theology Gals-Ladies Theology Discussion and Encouragement Follow us: On Facebook On Twitter @TheologyGals On Instagram theologygals Email us at If you'd like to ask Theology Gals a question which may be answered on a future episode, you can text or leave a voicemail at (951) 407-0234. You may also send an email. Consider supporting Theology Gals with just a few dollars a month  

  • Encouragement for Singles

    16/06/2019 Duração: 01h12min

    Theology Gals | Episode 116 This week Coleen and Angela talk to Jean Keeley about singleness. Jean offers encouragement to other singles. The gals also discuss singles and the Church. Women can join our Facebook Group Theology Gals-Ladies Theology Discussion and Encouragement Follow us: On Facebook On Twitter @TheologyGals On Instagram theologygals Email us at If you'd like to ask Theology Gals a question which may be answered on a future episode, you can text or leave a voicemail at (951) 407-0234. You may also send an email. Consider supporting Theology Gals with just a few dollars a month  

  • Law, Gospel, Grace and Forgiveness in Parenting with Scott Keith

    10/06/2019 Duração: 01h02min

    Theology Gals | Episode 116 This week Coleen and Angela talk with Scott Keith about parenting and where law, gospel, grace and forgiveness fits in. Episode Resources: Being Dad: Father as a Picture of God's Grace by Scott Keith 1517 Being Dad with Scott Keith Theology Gals Episode The Jagged Word Field Guide to Being a Man: Irreverent Observations from the Backyard, Bar, and Pulpit Jagged Word Blog Women can join our Facebook Group Theology Gals-Ladies Theology Discussion and Encouragement Follow us: On Facebook On Twitter @TheologyGals On Instagram theologygals Email us at If you'd like to ask Theology Gals a question which may be answered on a future episode, you can text or leave a voicemail at (951) 407-0234. You may also send an email. Consider supporting Theology Gals with just a few dollars a month  

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