Transform With Dr. Maggie Yu

Case Study: Child with autoimmune. How to know when to get off the specialist train and into the pilot’s seat!



Our topic for this episode is being lost and confused as a parent whose child has autoimmune disease. Feeling like this can be so isolating, so Dr. Yu and the Jones family discuss how this can be rectified. Celina and Keith Jones have been dealing with their child, Blaze, who was diagnosed with PANDAS about eight months ago. Blaze had suddenly began developing severe obsessive-compulsive disorders, ticks, and anxiety. Because of these practically overnight changes, Celina says that Blaze seemed like a different person; it was as if he became autistic. Both parents were lost about what they should do to get their son back. Every night, Blaze when go into hysterics and ask his mother, “why is this happening to me?” Celina describes having to tell him that she didn’t know the answer as the hardest thing to do as a parent. The couple had discovered PANDAS online after searching about sudden onset OCD and brought it to their pediatrician’s attention the next day. They then brought Blaze to see a PANDAS specialist,