Transform With Dr. Maggie Yu

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 1:26:03
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Interesting and transformational discussions hosted by integrative physician Maggie Yu MD with guests who are changing their own lives or the lives of others. Topics center around innovative solutions to major challenges in health and life.


  • Confidence Is The Key to Psoriasis & Psoriatic Arthritis Transformation


    Confidence Is The Key to Psoriasis & Psoriatic Arthritis Transformation Theresa is in her 40s with over 20 years of symptoms from psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, Graves, and Hashimoto’s.  She reports a pain level of 10/10 which affected her mobility with severe trouble even getting out of bed a year ago. Her fatigue was 8/10 making life very difficult for her ... Read More

  • Hypothyroidism, Alopecia and Chronic Fatigue – Cancer Researcher Crushes Hashi


    Hypothyroidism, Alopecia, and Chronic Fatigue – Cancer Researcher Crushes Hashi Shyrell is a cancer researcher who’s been struggling with years of enlarged autoimmune thyroid, Hashimoto’s, and autoimmune alopecia. However, besides thyroid and hair loss that she was told was permanent, she was suffering from crushing fatigue and joint pain which were unexplained to her as to why. She saw many ... Read More

  • How Maggie Yu MD Ended Her Own Pain with Autoimmunity


    Dr. Yu has a real first-hand experience with pain that she shares in common with her students in our Transform Autoimmune program. She understands what it feels like to be in pain, which is the reason she has made it her mission to help others discover the root cause of their symptoms to help others turn around their autoimmune challenges. ... Read More

  • RN With POTS, Neuropathy, Brain Fog, Weight Loss, Reverses Her and Husband’s Symptoms


    Meet Jessica she is an RN who struggled with POTS-like symptoms, chronic fatigue, neuropathy, severe brain fog, infertility, and debilitating weight loss. She couldn’t hold down a job nor trust her body anymore. She was at the point of trying to get on disability but she didn’t have a diagnosis to qualify. She was a program director and nursing instructor ... Read More

  • POTS, Dysautonomia, Neurological Symptoms Turnaround


    POTS, Dysautonomia, Neurological Symptoms Turnaround A family therapist with severe neurological pain, career-crushing brain fog, and extreme fatigue struggled with mystery symptom after symptom without a diagnosis.   This nearly ended her career.   Find out how Jamie turned this around to be back at work and is now living and loving life with her husband and children.    What’s her “there’s no ... Read More

  • Case Study: From Autoimmune Miserable to FANTASTIC Life


    Today Dr. Maggie Yu interviews Kim, who has an incredible story. They talk about Kim’s lack of diagnosis and some of the major, unexpected changes that happened as a result of the Transform Autoimmune Disease Naturally program. Frankie Niwot, the functional nutritionist of the program, also joins in. Kim had no diagnosis but had been searching for one for thirteen years. She describes her symptoms as “crazy,” but doctors would also tell her that her test results were within the normal range. Still, Kim knew that something was wrong. It has been extremely hard for her, spending years not being herself and having a low quality of life. Kim was exhausted and took naps daily just to make it through her day. Other symptoms she had were anxiety, depression, fevers, irregular menstrual cycles, numbness in her extremities, and insomnia. Dr. Yu brings up the diagnosis process that conventional doctors go through, sparking Kim’s memory of doctors telling her that she just needed to calm down. Graduating from Dr.

  • Case Study: Autoimmune Hepatitis, A Young Mother’s Victory


    Gabe has been dealing with autoimmune hepatitis, Hashimoto’s, IBS, and colitis. She joins Dr. Maggie Yu in this episode to discuss how she has turned this around over the past year via the Transform Autoimmune Disease Naturally program. For years, Gabe had been trying to get diagnosed but her symptoms did not precisely fit into what doctors required for a diagnosis. Now thirty-seven, she began searching for a diagnosis when she was sixteen. Gabe had sought help from several gastroenterologists, even traveling to some outside of the country. We learn that the doctors felt an attitude towards Gabe of “if she has been dealing with these symptoms for so long, then they can’t be very bad.” Dr. Yu explains that this thought process is a professional bias; assumptions that doctors make based on very little information. Gabe felt like she was being diminished. Recently graduating from the eight-week Transform Autoimmune Disease Naturally program, Gabe shares the outcomes that she has experienced. Her stomach ha

  • The Role of Vaccines in Autoimmunity and Chronic Disease with Dr. Paul Thomas


    Dr. Paul Thomas joins Dr. Maggie Yu today to talk about the role of vaccines in autoimmune disease. Dr. Paul has written a book related to this topic called The Vaccine-Friendly Plan. Dr. Paul says that though he is not an anti-vaccine doctor, he argues that the legislators’ view of vaccines being safe and effective for everyone is not true. Dr. Paul gives his background of being born in Africa and having had several childhood diseases, all of which made his autoimmune system stronger. In medical school, he recalls the training he was given which enforced that vaccines are wonderful. Dr. Paul states that vaccines are actually very useful for measles, which leads into a discussion of the current measles outbreak in Washington and Oregon. As it turns out, this outbreak is being sensationalized by legislators and Dr. Paul explains why. Dr. Yu believes that there is fear-mongering on both sides of the vaccination debate, and expresses her appreciation that Paul is a voice of reason. Dr. Yu shares the story

  • Who Am I to Be Healthy in Autoimmune? From a Nurse Practitioner


    Today Dr. Maggie Yu interviews Robin, a healthcare provider who has had a journey with autoimmune disease. Robin is a nurse practitioner working in newborn intensive care with premature and sick babies. Her autoimmune journey started fifteen years ago, and it knocked her flat on her back. Through the years, Robin has slowly recovered her functions and noticed she needed a lot of mindset and spiritual work to complete her journey. In her late thirties, Robin experienced all the signs and symptoms of menopause. She had no idea this was possible at such a young age. With all these drastic changes, Robin wanted help to get back to her old self. After three years of these symptoms, Robin looked toward eastern medicine and eventually had her own functional medicine doctor. What is normal anyway? What we are taught is normal has nothing to do with what is optimal for human function. The way we are training doctors, the idea of optimal functions is wholly lost. Normal is not optimal! “Normal” is when fifty per

  • Case Study: Can You Reverse Anxiety or Depression WHILE Getting Rid of All Your Autoimmune Disease Symptoms?


    We welcome Michelle in this episode to talk about anxiety. Michelle graduated from the Transform Autoimmune Disease Naturally program created by Dr. Maggie Yu just today, which helped her in overcoming her anxiety as well as her autoimmune disease. Michelle enters the podcast and says she was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 1999. As she progressed over the years and looked for solutions, she was diagnosed with even more autoimmune diseases. Michelle states that she was in a very bad place by the time she found Dr. Yu, with her anxiety measuring off-the-charts. She recalls that she was crying every day and even had to tell her boss that she needed time off to deal with the depression. Dr. Yu provides her insight on how regular doctors can’t understand the many levels of pain associated with fibromyalgia. We move on and hear about Michelle’s experience in treating her depression with conventional medicine. Her doctor had prescribed medications that made Michelle suicidal, so she immediately stopped taking them.

  • Case Study: What Does Food Freedom Look like in Autoimmune Disease?


    We’re exploring the topic of food freedom today alongside Dr. Maggie Yu and Frankie Niwot, the functional nutritionist of the Transform Autoimmune Disease Naturally eight-week program. Joining them is Nisa, a student of the program who graduated about six months ago. Before starting the program, Nisa thought she had various allergy issues. She had fired her allergist and started an autoimmune protocol which worked great but wasn’t sustainable. By the time she contacted Dr. Yu she was hungry, at her wit’s end, and looking for answers. Frankie curiously asks Nisa what the most important change regarding food was that happened during the program. Nisa answers that in contrast to previous allergy tests that she had done which indicated she had no allergies, the tests in the program revealed some intolerances. This helped her identify foods that she could and couldn’t eat, allowing her to confidently add some foods back to her diet. A surprising piece of knowledge she gained was that she was allergic to fruit suga

  • Case Study: No More Psoriasis Creams for the Pharmacist


    In this episode, Dr. Maggie Yu and Frankie Niwot discuss turning around psoriasis very quickly by addressing root causes. A recent graduate from the Transform Autoimmune Disease Naturally program, Amanda, is welcomed to share her experience of the program. Amanda has been a pharmacist for over twenty years and had been dealing with psoriasis for over fifteen. She had also been suffering from irritable bowel syndrome for as long as she can remember, but the symptoms worsened greatly this past summer. That’s when Amanda went to a doctor who wanted to prescribe mega-dose antibiotics, which she rejected. After searching for a solution, she discovered Dr. Yu’s program and enrolled after some slight hesitation. Dr. Yu tells us that many people don’t know that psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, and that this is the case for many other diseases too. With this is mind, Dr. Yu asks Amanda to look back and determine how many years she had really been suffering with autoimmune disease. Amanda says that it’s been over th

  • Case Study: The Biggest Lie Your Doctors Believe About Autoimmune Disease


    Today, Dr. Maggie Yu is going to bust the biggest lie that your doctors believe about autoimmune disease. Kim is welcomed to this episode and is a recent graduate of Dr. Yu’s Transform Autoimmune Disease Naturally program. We’re going to use her case as an example of how when your doctors believe in a lie, you are going to receive the downstream effect. Kim is a teacher who was diagnosed with Lupus about eight years ago. Soon after, fibromyalgia and Sjogren’s followed along with Kim losing a part of her thyroid to a possibly cancerous cyst. She was experiencing fatigue, brain fog, and pain, making her life very difficult. Kim felt like this was what her life was going to be forever. The biggest lie that doctors believe about autoimmune disease is introduced: there is no cause to effect; conventional doctors believe that there are just symptoms. Kim says that the symptoms she experienced over the last few years had stopped her life in its tracks. She had received a promotion at work, but eventually chose to st

  • Case Study: Child with autoimmune. How to know when to get off the specialist train and into the pilot’s seat!


    Our topic for this episode is being lost and confused as a parent whose child has autoimmune disease. Feeling like this can be so isolating, so Dr. Yu and the Jones family discuss how this can be rectified. Celina and Keith Jones have been dealing with their child, Blaze, who was diagnosed with PANDAS about eight months ago. Blaze had suddenly began developing severe obsessive-compulsive disorders, ticks, and anxiety. Because of these practically overnight changes, Celina says that Blaze seemed like a different person; it was as if he became autistic. Both parents were lost about what they should do to get their son back. Every night, Blaze when go into hysterics and ask his mother, “why is this happening to me?” Celina describes having to tell him that she didn’t know the answer as the hardest thing to do as a parent. The couple had discovered PANDAS online after searching about sudden onset OCD and brought it to their pediatrician’s attention the next day. They then brought Blaze to see a PANDAS specialist,

  • Case Study: How one physician and his wife with Fibro turned around autoimmunity together.


    Gina and her husband, Gus, join Dr. Maggie Yu in this episode to talk about how autoimmune disease can make you feel crazy, but also how it is possible to move from craziness to joy. Gina just graduated from Dr. Yu’s eight-week program for naturally transforming autoimmune disease. Prior to beginning the program, Gina was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and an elevated CRP level. She came into the program very lethargic, often waking up in the morning feeling like she hadn’t slept at all. She was affected by bloating, weight gain, irritability, bad PMS, and headaches. Finally, she decided it was time to figure out what to do, which led her to Dr. Yu’s Transform Autoimmune program. Gus, who is a physician, talks about how seeing Gina was particularly difficult from his standpoint. He saw other physicians running tests repeatedly on Gina without providing any positive outcomes. He mentions how doctors would prescribe her different medications in pill-form, which was unreasonable because Gina often didn’t even

  • Floating for Pain, Wellness, and Rewiring


    Dr. Maggie Yu wants to talk about floating today, as she has recently experienced this modality for the first time. Joining this discussion is Dana Highfill, who is the owner of Float North. A massage therapist by trade, Dana’s first float was seven years ago and it was life-changing for her. It became obvious to her that float therapy is a way to help people who need it the most. If you’re in physical, mental, or emotional pain, Dana believes that floating is an amazing way to address those issues. So, what is floating? It involves a 4’x8’ pod that is filled with about 10 inches of a solution that is mostly liquid magnesium. This solution is heated to your skin temperature, and the tub is soundproof and lightproof. Dana explains that this gives no input to the nervous system while you are held weightlessly in the solution. One tub can contain a thousand pounds of salt, so Dr. Yu asks Dana how this is possible in a relatively small tub. We continue on by learning about the health benefits of magnesium and the

  • Case Study: What Works Even Better Than Stem Cell Therapy in Rheumatoid Arthritis?


    Mikki, who graduated from the Transform Autoimmune Disease Naturally program roughly a month ago, sits down with Dr. Yu in this episode. She is a busy mom and executive who has been dealing with rheumatoid arthritis and colitis for a long time. A lot of today’s discussion revolves around dealing with the pain that comes from autoimmune disease and what can be done about it. Mikki says that before enrolling in Dr. Yu’s program, on a pain scale of one to ten, her day-to-day pain was a twenty. She called Dr. Yu in tears because she thought she had tried everything. Mikki goes through the list of things she has done in an attempt to ease her pain, which includes elimination diets, embryonic stem cell treatment, and biomagnetism. If it’s out there, she has tried it. When she first called Dr. Yu, Mikki was in so much pain that she could hardly even move her wrist and had to wear braces. We hear that Mikki’s pain level is now at a four or five, and she admits it’s not as low as it could be because she is not as disc

  • Case Study: Hashimoto’s and RA. How Shelley Went from Pain of 10 to 0


    Today, we’re going to find out how Shelley lost forty-one pounds and eliminated her pain from rheumatoid arthritis in just ten short weeks. In addition to RA, she was also previously diagnosed with Hashimoto’s. Shelley graduated two weeks ago from Dr. Maggie Yu’s Transform Autoimmune Disease Naturally program. Before she joined, she would often cry, was exhausted, and was so cranky that she recalls yelling at people for practically no reason. Her pain was everywhere, and after seeing her friend post a video about Dr. Yu’s program, Shelley knew she had to take the next step. Now, having completed the program, Shelley is on her lowest dose of medication since her initial diagnosis, is at a much healthier weight, and is more active. She comments on how weight loss is not even the main reason she joined the program but is a fantastic side-effect. Shelley says that her biggest motivator to reach out to Dr. Yu was that she was afraid of the medications doing more harm than good. A key point for Shelley that had pre

  • Case Study: How This One Habit Is Destroying People with Autoimmunity


    Lynie, a recent graduate of Dr. Maggie Yu’s Transform Autoimmune Disease Naturally eight-week program, joins us in this episode. She has suffered with rheumatoid arthritis since she was twenty-one, and in the past couple of years, Lynie was in so much pain that she was reaching out for anything and everything that could help her. The top symptoms that Lynie had from RA were deformity and extreme pain. She could barely get out of bed and couldn’t even dress herself. It had gotten so bad that her husband had turned into her caretaker. She was also suffering from psoriasis lesions on her ankles and knees. Since graduating from Dr. Yu’s program two months ago, the skin lesions are completely gone, and her arthritis pain happens very seldomly. Lynie remarks that the program taught her how her blood sugar and gluten were the biggest causes of her pain. Dr. Yu asks Lynie what the number-one catalyst was that brought her immense pain, and she answers that it was a combination of drinking a morning coffee daily and th

  • Case Study: 30 Years of Lupus and How Christina Is Changing It


    We’re focusing today on how someone who has had lupus for thirty years can turn it around. Christina, with the help of Dr. Maggie Yu’s Transform Autoimmune Disease Naturally program, has overcome this lengthy struggle in just eight weeks. Since she was twelve-years-old, Christina has had lupus symptoms and eventually got diagnosed with the disease at age sixteen. She went through several doctors and medications in her life and felt that the lupus had begun to go into remission. Christina collected a few more diagnoses, including Sjogren’s syndrome, and about three years ago she suddenly had trouble swallowing. One day, she felt like she couldn’t swallow and all and had to go on an all liquid diet. Some treatments allowed her to eat food again, but even so, her options were limited; she would often eat just a plain baked potato when out to supper with her husband. Because she has graduated from Dr. Yu’s program, Christina says that she now wakes up feeling like she is rested. Sleep has been an issue for

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