Streetwise Hebrew

#273 You Shouldn't Steal



In Hebrew, גנב (ganav) is a thief. Perhaps you already know its Yiddish pronunciation, ganef (גאַנעוו). But there are other, more exciting words that belong to the Hebrew root גנב, including several slang uses. Guy explains. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode  New Words and Expressions: Ganav - Thief - גנב Ganef - Thief (Yiddish) - גאַנעוו Lignov - To steal - לגנוב Ganav sidrati - Serial thief - גנב סדרתי Al rosh ha-ganav bo’er ha-kova - On the head of the thief the hat is in flames - על ראש הגנב בוער הכובע Gneva - Theft - גניבה Gnevot ha-sisma’ot - The password thefts - גניבות הססמאות “Ve-al tezalzelu bi-fritsa la-mail ha-prati shelachem” - And don’t underestimate a break in to your personal email - ואל תזלזלו בפריצה למייל הפרטי שלכם Pritsa - Burglary - פריצה Lifrots - To break in - לפרוץ Ani megala she-ganvu li et ha-zehut - I realise that someone stole my identity - אני מגלה שגנבו לי את הזהות Gnevat zehoot - Identity theft - גניבת זהות Medabrim al ze harbe la-achrona - They talk a lot about i