Streetwise Hebrew

#272 Take a Look Around You



The Hebrew words סביב (saviv), סביבה (sviva), מסביב (misaviv), סבב (sevev), all come from the ס.ב.ב root. They also come in very handy in spoken Hebrew. So today, Guy explains the many words and phrases that stem from this interesting root. New Words and Expressions: Saviv – Around – סביב Tistakel kama lirdim mi-saviv – See how many hot guys there are around – תסתכל כמה לירדים מסביב Tavo mi-saviv – Come from the other side – תבוא מסביב Habet saviv – Look around you – הבט סביב Sviv ha-habayit yesh gina – Around the house there’s a yard – סביב הבית יש גינה Mi-saviv la-bayit yesh gina – Around the house there’s a yard – מסביב לבית יש גינה Ani omedet ba-ma’agal u-mabita svivi – I stand in the circle and look around me – אני עומדת במעגל ומביטה סביבי Tistakel (‘stakel) misvivcha – Look around you (m.) – תסתכל מסביבך, ‘סתכל מסביבך Tistakli (‘stakli) misvivech – Look around you (f.) – תסתכלי מסביבך, ‘סתכלי מסביבך Tistaklu (‘staklu) misvivchem – Look around you (pl.) – תסתכלו מסביבכם, ‘סתכלו מסביבכם ‘Stakel rega, ‘sta