Streetwise Hebrew

#278 Sick? Get Well Soon!



Hebrew provides plenty of ways to wish someone well, and they all depend on the severity of the illness. So what should we say to someone with a cold? How about the flu? Pneumonia? This winter, Guy provides a linguistic toolkit for all you well-wishers to use in almost any circumstance. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode Bassa ep. 108 Tihye Bari ep. 3 Polish Mother ep. 4 New Words and Expressions: Hachlaka al ha-kerach - Ice skating - החלקה על הקרח Paam rishona ba-chayim - For the first time in my life - פעם ראשונה בחיים Tihye bari / tihyi bri’a - May you be healthy - תהיה בריא / תהיי בריאה “Refu’a shlema” -Full recovery - רפואה שלמה Hachlama mehira - Speedy recovery - החלמה מהירה Lehachlim - To recover - להחלים Nu, hichlamta? Hivreta? - So, did you recover? (m.) - נו, החלמת? הבראת? Hichlamt, hivret - Did you recover? (f.) - החלמת? הבראת? Ani machlim karega - I recover these days - אני מחלים כרגע Hu machlim mi-shapa’at - He’s recovering from the flu - הוא מחלים משפעת Zo ha