Streetwise Hebrew

#277 This Corner Store is Da Bomb



The Hebrew word פיצוץ (pitsuts) means explosion but is also used in the same fashion as the English phrase, “a blast,” meaning incredible or highly entertaining. And did you know that our neighborhood corner store is called a פיצוצייה (pitsutsiya)? Today, Guy covers the root פ.צ.צ, which is the foundation for many slang words and phrases to say things like, “I'm loaded with money” or “this cafe is packed.” Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode New Words and Expressions: Latet la-rosh lanu’ach me-ha-pitutsim - To let the head rest from the explosions - לתת לראש לנוח מהפיצוצים Ptsatsa - Bomb - פצצה Ptsatsa metakteket - A ticking time bomb - פצצה מתקתקת Yerushalayim, ir shava pitsuts - Jerusalem, a city worth an explosion - ירושלים, עיר שווה פיצוץ Eich haya ha-seret? Pitsuts - How was the movie? A blast - איך היה הסרט? פיצוץ Mehir pitsuts - A helluva price - מחיר פיצוץ Haya beneihem pitsuts - They had a fall out - היה ביניהם פיצוץ Pitsutsiya - Corner shop - פיצוצייה Lefotsets - To blow something up -