Streetwise Hebrew

#281 Surely You Know What I'm Referring To



The Hebrew word הרי (harei) is a tiny elusive word used to emphasize the words that follow it. Listen to the examples Guy prepared to help explain this somewhat fancy word. Ruben's Pronunciation Course:   Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Ata harei yode’a - You surely know - אתה הרי יודע Harei lama hem asu et ze - Well, you know why they did it, right? - ?הרי למה הם עשו את זה Hu harei lo holech limkor et ha-bait - Surely he’s not going to sell the house - הוא הרי לא הולך למכור את הבית Az zehu she-ken - Actually, he would - אז זהו, שכן Hu harei rak yeled - He is, after all, only a child - הוא, הרי, רק ילד Hu harei lo yachol lifgo’a be-zvuv - He wouldn’t hurt a fly - הוא הרי לא יכול לפגוע בזבוב Hi harei lo yechola lifgo’a be-zvuv - She wouldn’t hurt a fly - היא הרי לא יכולה לפגוע בזבוב The most famous harei is probably this one: Harei at mekudeshet li be-taba’at zo - With this ring be thou consecrated unto me as my wife - הרי את מקודשת לי בטבעת