Streetwise Hebrew

#280 It's Chilly Outside



It’s winter time for us in the northern hemisphere. It is also the time we start over-using the Hebrew word קר (cold) because, for us Israelis, 14-17 degrees celsius (57-63 degrees fahrenheit) is considered cold. To get us ready for cooler temperatures, Guy prepared warm-up exercises consisting of words and phrases from the root ק.ר.ר that cover all things chill, cooling and our beloved refrigerators. Ruben's Pronunciation Course:   Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Perek horpi - Wintery episode - פרק חורפי Kar ba-leilot - It’s cold at night - קר בלילות Mamshich lihyot kar - It continues to be cold - ממשיך להיות קר Eize kor ba-huts - How cold it is outside - איזה קור בחוץ Kach sveder, kar ba-huts - Take a sweater, it’s cold outside - קח סוודר, קר בחוץ Kor klavim - It’s freezing - קור כלבים Ha-ru’ach ha-krira - The chilly wind or breeze - הרוח הקרירה Karir - Chilly - קריר “Kshe-beineinu karir” - When it’s cold between us - כשבינינו קריר Krirut