Peak Energy 4 Performance

062 Get Back on Track to Start, Stay, and Slay Your Health Goals



Get back on track with a health and fitness plan that works for you and your life. Learn top tips to get you back into a healthy lifestyle and fitness routine for energy, health, and weight management. Jody shares her G.R.R.E.A.T approach to being in peak health and how to build a sustainable health program that will last the test of time for you. You will hear how to reboot your body, set up a fitness routine you can be consistent with, how to have an effective exercise program, and tips to keep you accountable. As a long time certified personal trainer and health coach, Jody walks you through the psychology of creating a habit or routine you can commit to and what may be barriers to making it happen. She also shares how powerful human nature is in all of us and the steps to making yourself accountable. After hearing from so many people that they got off track over the holidays and want to get back to it, this episode is all about starting your health and fitness back up again, sticking to it and staying the