Streetwise Hebrew

#283 Falafel 101: Your Guide to Ordering Falafel in Hebrew



Ordering falafel in Israel may seem simple. But when learning Hebrew, the many different options and the barrage of short and direct questions from the seller could make the whole experience a bit stressful. On this episode, Guy explains how to keep calm through the mayhem of an Israeli falafel stand at lunch time. Ruben's Pronunciation Course: Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Mana falafel - A portion of falafel (in a pita) - מנה פלאפל Hatsi mana - Half a portion - חצי מנה Ten li mana falafel vaksha - Please give me a portion of falafel please - תן לי מנה פלאפל (ב)בקשה Falafel be-tsalahat - Falafel on a plate - פלאפל בצלחת Ten li mana falafel lakachat vaksha - Please give me a portion of falafel to go - תן לי מנה פלאפל לקחת (ב)בקשה Ta’aroz/ta’arzi li vaksha - Please pack it for me - תארוז/תארזי לי (ב)בקשה La’aroz lecha? - Shall I pack it for you? - ?לארוז לך Lasim - To put - לשים Ma lasim lecha/lach? - What shall I put in the pita, for you? -