Streetwise Hebrew

#290 An Infectious Laugh and Sticky Rice



How do we say the words contagious and infect in Hebrew, and how are they related to the Hebrew word for glue? Bonus: We’ll learn how to say sticky rice! Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode New Words and Expressions: Devek - Glue - דבק Hu nidbak be-Corona - He was infected with Corona - הוא נדבק בקורונה Yesh sham nidbakim - There are infected people there - יש שם נדבקים Ha-im nitan lehidabek me-havilot she-magi’ot mi-sin? - Could we get infected from packages that arrive from China? - ?האם ניתן להידבק מחבילות שמגיעות מסין Lehidabek be-Corona me-havilot - To get Corona from packages - להידבק בקורונה מחבילות Lehidabek be-X mi-Y - To get X from Y - להידבק במשהו ממישהו Tizaher/tizahari lo lehidabek - Be careful as to not get infected - תיזהר/תיזהרי לא להידבק Ani lo rotse/rotsa lehidabek - I don’t want to be infected - אני לא רוצה להידבק Lehibadek - To be tested - להיבדק Hadbaka - Contagion - הדבקה Hayu mikrim shel hadbakot - There were cases of contagion - היו מקרים של הדבקות Otsrim et sharsheret ha-