Not Your Mama's Mindset

Love it Enough to Let it Go



(Ep. 92) This episode applies to abusive relationships, unaligned businesses, patterns of struggle and MORE.   CLICK THIS TO ENTER MY FIRST GIVEAWAY: $25 STARBUCKS GIFTCARD GIVEAWAY exclusively for podcast listeners***contest ends 8/4/19 @ 11:59 pm EST (DOUBLE ENTRIES if you're a listener from: North/South Dakota, Maine, Rhode Island, Montana, Alaska, Mississippi, or Wyoming -- as I don't have any listeners on the podcast from those states yet!!)   Important topics you'll hear today:   1:43 Book I recommend: Creating Money (Attracting Abundance)  3:00 Affirmations you need to hear 4:44 Why some people "struggle" to their next level and others propel through the growth  5:53 If you don't grow with the flow, your highest self will make your present life "not work" anymore--  7:35 Why you KEEP experiencing struggle/resistance  8:24 What you need to do NOW if ^ that's you 8:52 Growing from gratitude  10:54 Here's how a positive habit can become a b