Streetwise Hebrew

#296 Practice Those Exercises



In Hebrew, תרגיל means an exercise. This episode includes many תרגילים, of all kinds. Guy also explains the difference between לְ and לַ. And as a bonus: a song in Ladino, the language of the Spanish Jews.   Send Guy your audio message   Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Targil – Exercise – תרגיל Targilei neshima – Breathing exercises – תרגילי נשימה  Targilei kol – Voice exercises – תרגילי קול Hayom anachnu na’ase kama targilim bi-myuchad la-davar ha-ze – Today we’ll do a few exercises, especially for this thing – היום אנחנו נעשה כמה תרגילים, במיוחד לדבר הזה Ze targil tov le-chizuk ha-beten – This is a good exercise to strengthen the stomach – זה תרגיל טוב לחיזוק הבטן “Tsarich laasot gam kama targilei squatim ve-mishkolot” – You also need to do a few squat and weight lifting exercises – צריך לעשות גם כמה תרגילי סקוואטים ומשקולות Lo chayavim la-targil ha-ze mishkolot bichlal – One doesn’t need weights for this exercise at all – לא חייבים לתרגיל הזה משקולו