Streetwise Hebrew

#297 Pronouns in Hebrew



Using pronouns in conversation is easy when speaking our mother tongue. But in Hebrew, it might be more difficult. In this episode, Guy explains the mechanism of Hebrew pronouns which, in turn, will help you sound more natural and casual. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of This Episode   New Words and Expressions: Lama ze magi’a lanu? – Why do we deserve it? – למה זה מגיע לנו? Ze magi’a le-mishehu/lo – Serves him right – זה מגיע למישהו/לו Magi’a le-eli – Eli deserves it – מגיע לאלי Lo yafe, lama ata omer she-magi’a lo – It’s not nice to say these things, why do you say he deserves it – לא יפה, למה אתה אומר שמגיע לו Lama ze magi’a li – Why do I deserve it – למה זה מגיע לי Lo higi’a la – She didn’t deserve it – לא הגיע לה Shanim she-lo shamati shum davar mimena – For years I haven’t heard a thing from her – שנים לא שמעתי שום דבר ממנה Lo shamati me-Racheli klum – I haven’t heard anything from Racheli – לא שמעתי מרחלי כלום Gam ani lo shamati klum mimena – I, too, haven’t heard anything from her – גם אני לא שמעתי