Streetwise Hebrew

#301 Did You Just Cancel on Me?



For the first time in its history, the Eurovision Song Contest was cancelled. But hopefully only this year. Many other events, both global and local, were also cancelled, all because the Coronavirus. How do we say “to cancel” in Hebrew, in the present? How about in the past? And what army radio comm talk breached the divide and made its way to civilian slang? Guy explains the root ב.ט.ל. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of This Episode   New Words and Expressions: Bitul ha-hofesh ha-gadol – Cancellation of the summer school holiday – ביטול החופש הגדול Va’ada – Committee – ועדה “Kabel/kabli bitul” – Scratch that, abort – קבל/קבלי ביטול Kabel bitul al ha-kafe, tsats mashehu – Abort the coffee, something came up – קבל ביטול על הקפה, צץ משהו Kaftor bitul – Cancel button – כפתור ביטול Mediniut bitulim – Cancellation policy – מדיניות ביטולים Dmei bitul – A cancellation fee – דמי ביטול Bitulim – Cancellations – ביטולים Levatel et ha-hafsakot – To cancel school breaks – לבטל את ההפסקות Slicha, ani tsarich/tsricha lev