Streetwise Hebrew

#302 My Condolences To You And Your Family



In Hebrew, נחמה (nechama) means consolation, comfort. It’s also a woman’s first name. The difference comes down to pronunciation. Today Guy explains how to give your condolences and how to jokingly comfort a friend who was delivered a cold pizza. Bonus: How do we say “Misery loves company”? How about comfort food? LISTEN TO THE ALL-HEBREW VERSION OF THIS EPISODE   New Words and Expressions: Ko zkukim le-nechama – We really need consolation – כה זקוקים לנחמה Nechama – Comfort, consolation – נחמה NeCHAma – Female first name – נחמה MenaCHEM – He comforts – מנחם MeNAchem – First name – מנחם Ochel menachem – Comfort food – אוכל מנחם Ha-ochel mesapek chavaya chushit neima, menachemet – This food provides a pleasant sensual experience, comforting – האוכל מספק חוויה חושית נעימה, מנחמת Aruchat boker menachemet – Comforting breakfast – ארוחת בוקר מנחמת Aval ani menachemet et atsmi be-kafe – But I comfort myself with coffee – אבל אני מנחמת את עצמי בקפה Bamba haita menachemet oti achshav – Bamba would have comforted me