Streetwise Hebrew

# 306 Here, Try This!



The Hebrew word לנסות, to try, is very handy in everyday conversation. People always say, “try this,” “don’t try that,” “try these pants on,” “try this dish.” On this episode, Guy tries to explain it all. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of This Episode   New Words and Expressions: Nasui – Married – נשוי Linso’a – To travel – לנסוע “Nisiti meod lehilachem ba-ruchot” – I really tried to fight the winds – ניסיתי מאוד להילחם ברוחות Nisiti (Piel, נסה) – I tried – ניסיתי Giliti – I found out – גיליתי Nikiti – I cleaned – ניקיתי Kiviti – I hoped – קיוויתי Shiniti – I changed – שיניתי Nisiti + Inf./noun  Nisita pa’am X? – Have you ever tried X? – ניסית פעם X “Menasim limtso miklat ha-laila” – Trying to find shelter for the night – מנסים למצוא מקלט הלילה Ma ata menase lehagid? – What are you trying to say? – מה אתה מנסה להגיד? Sha’a she-ani menase lehasig otcha – I have been trying to reach you for an hour – שעה שאני מנסה להשיג אותך Ach sheli, al mi ata menase la’avod? – Bro, who are you trying to fool? – אח שלי, על