Streetwise Hebrew

#304 Yea or Nay?



The word נגד means against, and its root gives us the Hebrew words for contrast, contradiction and conflict. We’ll also head over to the Knesset in Jerusalem to hear an up or down vote take place. Hear the All-Hebrew Version of This Episode   New Words and Expressions: Neged – Against, nay – נגד  Be’ad – For, yea – בעד Hatsba’ah ba-knesset – A vote in the knesset – הצבעה בכנסת Haver knesset – Member of Knesset – חבר כנסת Lihyot be’ad/neged – To be for or against – להיות בעד/נגד Ani be’ad/neged – I am for/against – אני בעד/נגד Hayiti be’ad/neged – I was for/against – הייתי בעד/נגד Trufot savta neged hitkarerut – Grandma’s remedies against the cold – תרופות סבתא נגד התקררות Kampeyn neged shtiya – A campaign against drinking – קמפיין נגד שתייה Holech neged ha-ru’ach – Going against the wind – הולך נגד הרוח Neged declined with pronouns:  Negdi – Against me -נגדי Negdecha, negdech, negdo, negda, negdenu, negdechem, negdam – נגדך, נגדך, נגדו, נגדה, נגדנו, נגדכם, נגדם Lama kulam negdi – Why is everybody against me –