Comic Lab

The perils of Magic Number Thinking



Cartoonists Dave Kellett and Brad Guigar are talking shop! They discuss what percentage of your readership you can expect to become Patreon backers. That leads into a fascinating trip down Memory Lane as they recall a disgruntled "How To Make Webcomics" reader. Then, they make suggestions on how many tiers a first-time Kickstarter campaign should have. And finally, they make suggestions on Kickstarter stretch goals and add-ons. BUT FIRST, was a part of Stan Lee's success based on his iconic Look? Show notes 00:00 — Stan Lee's iconic Look 07:54 — Brad's 19th anniversary in comics 21:01 — Dave looks back on Emerald City and Comic Con International 24:43 — Shipping books on a Greyhound Bus 27:34 — Fed Ex Freight Box 29:15 — Spike Trotman: "Don't fight success." 32:45 — Kenny Rogers' face 36:39 — What percent of your audience are Patreon backers? 40:06 — A story from the "How To Make Webcomics" book 44:22 — The danger of "Magic Number" thinking 49:02 — Superstitions 51:38