Comic Lab

NSFW comics... any regrets?



Webcomics weirdos Dave Kellett and Brad Guigar talkin’ shop! When a listener asks how to recover after a failed con, Brad launches into a discussion of the gambler’s mentality of comic conventions. And Dave launches his newest character, Susanne Mactaggart, inspirational speaker. THEN, if a key to success is making good comics, what should you be focused on learning and doing to make that happen? NEXT, looking back over his decision to launch a NSFW comic series, is there anything that Brad would have done differently? AND Dave mentions the sweet perfection of the title of Danielle Corsetto’s new comic — “BOO! It’s Sex!” FINALLY, what size should your original art be — and why? BUT FIRST… When doctors say, “STAT!” on medical dramas, what does that mean? And why isn’t it just was cool for copy editors to yell “STET!”   Show notes 00:00 — When doctors say, “stat,” what does it mean? 04:52 — How do you recover after a failed con? 17:45 — Susanne MacTaggart, inspirational speaker 17:55 — If “Good Work” is the ke