Comic Lab

Motivation, underperforming Patreon tiers, and trying something new



We recorded Drunk ComicLab Saturday, and boy are our livers tired. Brad and Dave talk about the fun they had recording this upcoming Patreon-exclusive show — and the horrors they faced the morning after.Then a listener asks: "How to you stay motivated to comics year after year?" The guys go on to discuss the Toronto Comic Arts Festival (May 12-13), handling an underperforming Patreon tier, working on a new comic at the same time you're working on an existing one, and the mixed blessing that a cartoonist's flexible schedule can sometimes be. Show Notes: 00:10 — Drunk ComicLab: Look Back in Horror 10:29 — How to you stay motivated to do comics? 19:47 — The Toronto Comics Arts Festival ‚ is it a good show? 24:02 — What to do with an underperforming Patreon tier 33:52 — How to explore an idea for a new comic while maintaining your current comic 49:49 — A cartoonist's schedule is flexible — and that can be a mixed blessing. Great rewards when you support ComicLab $2 — Support the show and get early acc