Transformerende Meditasjoner (no)

Contact your spirit guide



In the following meditation you will get in touch with your guide or your guides. It's a good idea to already write down any questions you have to your guide. You can for example ask if your guide will help you get rid of a physical or mental issue. How your guide represents itself to you doesn’t matter at all. Just be open and have fun with everything you experience during the session. The meditation is set up in such a way that you do not have to be worried about guides with bad intentions. An important point here is that I guide you into this in such a way that you are surrounded by and full of light and love. And when you send this out, you will only experience light and love throughout the session. Producing our meditations costs time and money. We want to offer our meditations for free for as long as possible and will be very grateful for a donation. The money goes to Transformational Guide Seb ( PayPal: BitCoin or Keys: 3PMeibnKN7P3Zph29SYjhpTKfv4p6jJ