Streetwise Hebrew

#312 Did I Offend You?



In Hebrew, we say, ?נפגעת ממני (Were you offended by me?) We can also say, ?פגעתי בך (Did I offend you?) And even though these two basically mean the same thing, the way we use them in spoken Hebrew determines who is to blame, the speaker or the spoken to. Guy explains. Check Out the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Hu nifga – He was hit, hurt – הוא נפגע Nifga, nifga’im – Casualty, casualties – נפגע, נפגעים Yesh nifgaim – There are casualties – יש נפגעים “Mi-tchilat ha-shana ha-nochechit, nifge’u ke-2000 rochvei ofanayim ve-korkinetim hashmaliyim” – Since the beginning of this year, were hit all throughout Israel, about two thousand riders of bicycles and electric scooters” – מתחילת השנה הנוכחית נפגעו כ-2000 רוכבי אופניים וקורקינטיים חשמליים “Me’a achuz me-hanifga’im, she-niftgeu kashe, im habalt rosh kasha, lo havshu kasda” – 100 per cent of the casualties who were badly hit, resulting in severe head injury, were not wearing a helmet” – מאה אחוז מהנפגעים שנפגעו קשה, עם חבלת ראש קשה,