Megan Edge

Essentials Round Table - All About Digestion!



Have you wondered what else essential oils can help you with? How about upset stomach, gas and bloating and a healthy gut? Susan Seale and I share - and yes, we use the word POOP - about how Young Living oils are being used by people around the world to help with so many digestive issues. And by us! Our featured oils are Digize and Ginger and you'll be surprised by my Fun Fact reveal about Ginger! Let us know what your digestive issues are because there may be an oil for that! Enjoy, share the love and help us spread the word about Essentials Round Table. To become a part of our community, join us on FaceBook at "The Essentials Round Table with Megan Edge and Susan Seale" . XO Megan and Susan Some Links Peppermint and IBS - Fennel and Acid Reflux - Lemongrass and the Superbugs - The Noxious Weed Act -