Megan Edge

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  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
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NEW SHOW! Playing on the Edge Radio with Megan Edge: Radical Change with EasePlaying on the Edge with Megan Edge will challenge conventional beliefs about whats possible in creating health, wealth and happiness, providing listeners with effective methods of sustaining radical and powerful change with ease. You dont have to make it hard, you dont have to make it dramatic. What if it could be easy? This hit show will recreate your relationship with what limits you, open and expand your awareness, accelerate your well-being, as Megan shares wisdom, teachings, and experience from a life long journey of the heart. Enact the power of radical change with ease and expand your desires, dreams and well-being to their unlimited potential. Now that's Playing on the Edge Radio!About MeganCalling herself a true Child of the Westcoast, Megan Edge was born in Vancouver, BC in the spring of 1969 into a family of intellectual nature lovers. Her early, formative years were spent between Vancouver and Mayne Island, BC where her grandparents bought the family cottage in the 1940s. From both her parents and her upbringing Megan has been gifted with a sharp wit, an ability to see the bigger picture and a strong connection with her intuition and with the natural world. Megan is a Master Healer, Radio Host, Public Speaker and the author of The Hearts Journey: Healing Hearts Oracle Cards and Guidebook (Balboa Press 2015) and Falling into Being Human: An Introduction to Intuitive Healing, the manual for her highly regarded Healers certification program, The Confident Healer: Mind, Body and Soul Healing. Megan is also the creator of the Intuitive Energy Massage Practitioners Certification, an innovative, new energy healing modality. Megans hit radio show, Playing on the Edge: Radical Change with Ease can be heard internationally on The Dr. Pat Show, The Transformation Network and Transformation Talk Radio. Megan offers Mind, Body and Soul Healing though Energy Healing, Intuitive Counselling and Body Work. In her private practice, Megan holds space for personal healing, empowering the individual to access their own healing powers. She knows each of us has the potential to unlock our healing abilities, both for ourselves and for others. Megan offers her clients and students the tools and techniques to heal in the moment and to maintain their healing as they move forward on their journey.


  • On the Edge of Aging Wildly


    If it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a nation to raise an Elder. Looking at our culture s fear of aging, what messages we receive as we get older, and how to age wildly Buck the system! Watch live on Facebook. Live call in show...800.930.2819

  • On the Edge of Dying with Dignity


    Dying is a part of living. Every culture has their beliefs about the nature of dying and what happens after we die. But what about the process of dying? Should we have a choice in the manner in which we die, if we are able? Heroic Measures to keep you alive, at all costs, or Do Not Resuscitate? Which would you choose, if you could? How does the act of suicide fit into the conversation? Is it a sin, should it be illegal, or is it the ultimate act of self-empowerment? Master Healer, Megan Edge, and her esteemed co-host, Dr. Pat, are discussing how Dying with Dignity, or Medical Assistance in Dying (M.A.I.D) came to be a legal option in both Canada and the US, its practical applications and its moral, religious and legal controversies. Megan and Dr. Pat will share some of their personal experiences with death, suicide and M.A.I.D and their insights on how death and dying can be an empowering and healing process. Watch live on Facebook.

  • On the Edge of Influence


    Are you under the influence? Under the influence is a phrase often used to excuse our behaviours and choices. On a daily basis, you re exposed to over 5000 advertisements and brand images! Influence is taken into consideration in courts of law to suggest that a person may not be responsible for their behaviour due to a substance, or a stronger person s influence. At what point does influence become manipulation and then become control? You are constantly under the influence from advertisers, politicians, family and friends. How aware are you of these influences and are they all bad? Who might you be influencing? Master Healer, Megan Edge, and her fabulous co-host, Dr. Pat, are exploring the power of influence, and Influencers, on your choices and behaviours and showing you how to be more empowered in the decisions you make and conscious of the influences of the influencers in your daily life. Watch live on Facebook.

  • On the Edge of Mask Hypnosis


    What does it take to convince a population of people to adopt a course of action? Evidence? Scientific research? A common enemy? Fear? What creates a state of mass hypnosis? Master Healer, Megan Edge and her amazing co-host, Dr. Pat, continue their conversation on the state of the world with a focus on freedom of choice and the science around the effectiveness of face masks and mass hypnosis in this episode of On the Edge of Mask Hypnosis . In many cases, the desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic. It is also clear that masks serve symbolic roles. Masks are not only tools, they are also talismans that may help increase people s perceived sense of safety, well-being, and trust in their hospitals. Although such reactions may not be strictly logical, we are all subject to fear and anxiety, especially during times of crisis. One might argue that fear and anxiety are better countered with data and education than with a marginally beneficial mask. Watch live on Faceb

  • On the Edge of Reflection: A Retrospective


    Join Master Healer Megan Edge and her fabulous co-host, Dr. Pat as they look back on 2021, sharing their favourite On the Edge episodes - the uplifting, the controversial and the poignant. 2021 has gone in many directions and Megan and Pat have talked about all of it over the past 12 months, bringing awareness, connection and healing guidance. What will 2022 hold?

  • On the Edge of Medical Madness


    Medicine is defined as a substance, especially a drug, used to treat the signs and symptoms of a disease, condition or injury and something that serves as a remedy or corrective to an existing illness or injury. What, then, is Medical Madness? When options for care are limited to a single drug or treatment, to the exclusion of any other measures being allowed or tried to cure the illness or injury or save the life of an individual. Master Healer, Megan Edge and Dr. Pat, founder of Transformation Talk Radio, are examining our current medical practices of one-size-fits-all medications and treatments of illness and asking this important question; Are we on the edge of Medical Madness? Watch live on Facebook.

  • On the Edge of Death and Dying Pt 2


    Megan shares experience on the process of death and dying, advocating for those who cannot, explains taking the fear out of death and when the healing begins. Watch live on Facebook.

  • On the Edge of Right and Wrong


    We are in an extremely divisive time in our world s history where censorship of anything that goes against the mainstream narrative is at an all-time high. People s social media profiles, private and public groups and Messenger threads are being removed from digital platforms daily. We are being told what we can and can not say, what words we are forbidden to speak if we want to be good citizens and how to take care of our bodies for the collective good. There is no more conversation of what is right or wrong; we are being told what is right and if we don t agree or question this, then we are in the wrong. Is this right? When there is only one narrative, there is no healthy debate, conversation or opportunity to explore different points of view. Master Healer, Megan Edge and her fabulous co-host and founder of Transformation Talk Radio, Dr. Pat, are talking about what is right or wrong, looking at everything from personal belief to irrefutable facts in this important episode of Playing on the Edge Radio. Watc

  • On the Edge of the Miraculous


    Have you ever experienced a Miracle? What was it about that experience that was miraculous for you? Miracles happen every day, small and large. Do we create our own miracles by saying yes to opportunities as they show up for us or by taking risks and are we the engineers of our fortunes? Or are miracles handed down to us from something Divine? Master Healer, Megan Edge, and her fabulous co-star and creator of Transformation Talk Radio are looking at the universal, and personal, human experience of the Miraculous and looking at why we believe in Miracles. Watch live on Facebook.

  • On the Edge of the Big Why: A Case for Curiosity


    One of the most important questions in critical thinking or getting curious about something an event, an idea, a belief is the question, Why? This single word, posed as a question, opens up our neural pathways to a uniquely human capacity; that of curiosity. Curiosity leads to the evolution of new ideas and inventions that have changed the path of human history, dramatically impacting our present experience and future accomplishments. Yet, we are not always encouraged to ask the question, Why? . Why not? Because, Why? can be seen as a challenge to authority, as is any critical thinking. When paired with the other critical thinking questions; Where? , When , How? and What? , becoming curious can lead to revolution! Master Healer, Megan Edge and her fabulous co-host, Dr. Pat are asking the big Why? and sharing how this simple question can change everything, personally and globally. Watch live on Facebook.

  • On the Edge Mass Manipulation


    Psychological manipulation is a type of social influence that aims to change the behavior or perception of others through indirect, deceptive, or underhanded tactics. By advancing the interests of the Manipulator, often at another's expense, such methods could be considered exploitative and devious. A skilled Manipulator can achieve this without the victim s knowledge or awareness. It is often only in retrospect that the victim of manipulation becomes aware of this transgression. Manipulation happens at the personal level within relationships, families, religious organizations and the work place, and on a massive scale through media and government agendas. The course of history has been altered through mass manipulation of entire nations, with catastrophic results. Master Healer, Megan Edge, and her amazing co-host, Dr. Pat Baccili, are discussing the current mass manipulation of information, both scientific and anecdotal, seeking to understand the why of it all and what the antidote to manipulation is. Watch

  • On the Edge Losing Our Voice


    The struggle for freedom of expression is as ancient as the history of censorship. In modern times, we take the idea and experience of freedom of speech and expression for granted, assuming it to be an innate right of the individual. But does this assumed right also increased the concern of the powers that be that unlimited access to information would be harmful to society and public morals, particularly in times of war or internal crisis? The First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States (1787) guarantees freedom of speech and the press. It is regarded as the root of the comprehensive protection of freedom of expression in Western countries, along with the statement of the French National Assembly in 1789: "The free communication of thought and opinion is one of the most precious rights of man; every citizen may therefore speak, write and print freely." Master Healer, Megan Edge, and her amazing co-star, Dr. Pat, founder of Transformation Talk Radio will examine the experience of censorship, both

  • On the Edge of Radical Forgiveness with Ease


    What is the one thing, action, behaviour or belief, that you could never forgive? Have you ever asked yourself, Why not? What if you did? What is Forgiveness? When you break the word down, it becomes For-Giving. Forgiveness is an absolution for behaviour that goes against the moral code decided upon by family, community, culture and religion. Therefore, forgiveness is personal to the moral code of the individual. Why, as a species, have we evolved forgiveness as an integral part of social cohesiveness, emotional evolution and personal growth? Master Healer, Megan Edge, and her fabulous co-host and founder or Transformation Talk Radio, Dr. Pat, are exploring these questions and sharing tools and techniques for Radical Forgiveness on this ground-breaking episode of Playing on the Edge Radio.

  • On the Edge of Blame and Shame Part 2: Shame, Shame, Shame!


    Is shaming an evolutionary behaviour to ensure group cohesiveness and dynamic by adhering to a set of group norms? Or is a deeply ingrained sociopathic control mechanism? Blaming and shaming are rampant in our culture, from our personal relationships to world politics, the corporate boardroom and religions. We feel shame when we violate the social norms we believe in or that others dictate to us. Shame has staying power. How do we heal the Shame Wound? Master Healer, Megan Edge and her fabulous co-host, Dr. Pat, founder of Transformation Talk Radio, are taking on this challenging subject and asking how and why we shame, is there a healthier way to relate to one another and how to heal the Blame and Shame Wounds so many people are carrying. Join Playing on the Edge Radio for Pt 1 of On the Edge of Blame and Shame. Watch live on Facebook.

  • On the Edge of Blame and Shame Part 1


    Whose fault is it anyways? Your dog ate your homework. There s no cream in the fridge for your morning coffee. You re late to work because of construction. You fail your exam because you didn t have time to study. When misfortunes like these happen to you, what s your first thought? Do you instantly blame someone or something else, or do you accept responsibility for what you could have done differently and learn from your circumstances? Blaming and shaming are rampant in our culture, from our personal relationships to world politics, the corporate boardroom and religions. Master Healer, Megan Edge and her fabulous co-host, Dr. Pat, founder of Transformation Talk Radio, are taking on this challenging subject and asking how and why we blame, is there a healthier way to relate to one another and how to heal the Blame and Shame Wounds so many people are carrying. Join Playing on the Edge Radio for Pt 1 of On the Edge of Blame and Shame. Watch live on Facebook.

  • On the Edge of Our Seats!


    The best way to predict your future is to create it, so why do we place so much value on the predictions of others? From Biblical predictions to Nostradamus, Sylvia Brown and Bill Gates, we love to give away our destiny to others. And yet, hearing a positive prediction can be a motivator for action if Tall, Dark and Handsome has been precited to fall into your lap, you might start taking better care of yourself to be ready to receive. Master Healer, Megan Edge, and her fabulous co-start, Dr. Pat, founder of Transformation Talk Radio, are starting 2021 with a few predictions of their own for the coming year and will share some time-trusted methods of connecting with your future and making your own predictions! Call in! 1-800-930-2819 Watch live on Facebook.

  • On the Edge of Prosperity


    What does it mean to be prosperous? What gets in the way of experiencing true prosperity in all areas of your life? Have you heard of Feng Shui, Space Clearing, or Decluttering? The energy of major life changes, trauma, grief, and anger can infuse your physical and emotional landscape. To heal, move forward, and experience true prosperity, energy must be cleared. Master Healer, Megan Edge, will share her tools, techniques, and strategies to invite prosperity into all areas of your life, heal your money wounds and help you embrace deep happiness in this episode of Playing on the Edge: On the Edge of Prosperity.Watch LIVE on Facebook - go to:

  • On the Edge of the Healed Feminine


    When women thrive, they are powerful! What does it mean to thrive as a woman? What does the Healed Feminine look like and how powerful can women become when they find their voice and rise together against inequality at all levels? Is any of this possible without the Healed Feminine? Master Healer, Megan Edge and her powerful co-host and founder of Transformation Talk Radio, Dr. Pat, will share their experiences, thoughts and ideas about women and anger, empowerment, education, revolution, expectation, healing, love and much more. Watch live on Facebook.

  • On the Edge of the Healed Masculine


    Iron John, the Mens Movement, Awakening the New Masculine, Responsible Fathers Movement, International Mens Day what does the Healed Masculine look like? When the Me Too Movement gained momentum, some men raised their voices as well with stories of childhood and adult sexual abuse. What are the expectations placed on boys and men within patriarchal systems and what is the impact on the masculine sense of self, responsibility and duty as a man? Are we experiencing a masculine backlash to womens emerging power with an increase in violence against women and children? What sort of man does a boy who has been abused grow into? Master Teacher Megan Edge and her amazing and wise co-host, Dr. Pat are exploring all sides of the Healed Masculine in this timely episode of Playing on the Edge Radio: Radical Change with Ease, On the Edge of the Healed Masculine, and are asking, Can the masculine be healed? Watch live on Facebook.

  • On the Edge of Surrender


    According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, to surrender is the action of yielding one's person or giving up the possession of something, especially into the power of another. While this may be true, there is another aspect about surrender and surrendering that speaks to the wisdom in acknowledging that there is personal power in the idea and action of Surrender, both from a spiritual and psychological perspective. Master Teacher Megan Edge and her amazing and wise co-host, Dr. Pat are exploring all sides of Surrender in this episode of Playing on the Edge Radio: Radical Change with Ease, On the Edge of Surrender. Watch live on Facebook.

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