Streetwise Hebrew

#313 ‘Binyanim’ That Cause Confusion



There are several confusing verbs in Hebrew. Some are even spelled the same. This is an episode that you will want to follow along with the show notes as you listen. We wouldn’t want to cause any more confusion! Check Out the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon New Words and Expressions: “Tamid ohev, tamid nifga” – He always loves, he always gets hurt – תמיד אוהב, תמיד נפגע Nifga, he gets hurt, nif’al, present, 3rd person, singular, masculine, shoresh: פגע Ma na’ase achshav, nipaga o nitgaber – What shall we do now, will we get hurt or overcome – מה נעשה עכשיו, ניפגע או נתגבר Nipaga, we will get hurt, ניפגע, nif’al, future, 1st person, plural, shoresh: פגע “Kol echad yelamed echad” – Each person will teach another – כל אחד ילמד אחד Yelamed, ילמד, he will teach, piel, future, 3rd person, singular, shoresh: למד “Mi she-yilmad eich lilmod, yisrod” – A person who will learn how to learn, will survive – מי שילמד איך ללמוד, ישרוד Yilmad, ילמד, he will learn, pa’al, future, 3rd person, singular, shoresh: למד Kol lekach ve