Streetwise Hebrew

#20 Service in Israel‏



The level of service in Israel can change from day to day, hour to hour. It depends on many factors, like the mood of the serving staff, life in the city, and other seemingly random factors. Guy explains. Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: “Lo yodea ma ba li, al ma at mamlitza?” – I don’t know what I feel like, what do you recommend? – ?לא יודע מה בא לי, על מה את ממליצה “Az ma ba lanu le-kinu’ach?” – So what do we feel like for dessert? – ?אז מה בא לנו לקינוח “Ha-salat ktsat ayef” – The salad looks a bit tired – הסלט קצת עייף Al ma ata mamlits? – What do you recommend – ?על מה אתה ממליץ “Et hishtachrarti ha-rof’im himlitsu li bikur hodshi bi-nmal ha-te’ufa” – When I was released (from hospital) the doctors recommended a monthly visit at the airport – עת השתחררתי הרופאים המליצו לי ביקור חודשי בנמל התעופה Mamlits – Recommending – ממליץ Hamlatsa – Recommendation – המלצה “Im at rotsa, zo rak hamlatsa, le-seret kolno’a shmeimi” – If you want, it’s only a recommendation for a d