Behind The Glass With Charlotte Eriksson




For me, having a minimalism lifestyle means having less and doing less in order to have more time, space and energy for the things that really truly matter to me. Keeping things simple and minimal means, for me, to focus only on the essentials, the things of value, and not get caught up in distractions and worries. It helps me free myself from overwhelm, stress, find clarity and straighten out my priorities. My personal priorities in life are: health, passion, growth, location independence, art and community. What are yours? Here is a super simple exercise to get us started: List maybe 5 to 7 things that you value in life, write them down on your phone or on a piece of paper, or just keep them in your head. Now, go through a normal day in your life, how you spend it, what you’re doing, the places you go, the people you interact with. How many of those things in your daily life align with your values? Do they support your values of what’s important in life? Do they help you live like you would like to live?