Behind The Glass With Charlotte Eriksson

Belonging Changes Everything



"Finding your people" from my book "Another Vagabond Lost To Love ✦ "I’m scared because I want to reach people, make them feel and relate and know that they are not alone in anything because I am here and I hear you and I’ve felt it too. Just like those words by those authors that I read, and those songs by those bands that I listen to let me know that I am not alone, and belonging is everything. Belonging changes everything. So I’m scared and nervous, because the aim to reach those rare and few people who will understand and listen are out there, I know it, but to get to them I need to pass thousands of others. Thousands of others who won’t understand. Who won’t relate or feel or like what I say and what I do or who I am, and they are never too busy to let me know that they don’t like what they hear or what they see or who I am and so I’m scared. Because this album is not just an album to throw words on or dissect——it’s everything I came to see and feel and know and be the last years, and that’s why I