Behind The Glass With Charlotte Eriksson

Your Place In The Universe [from my new book]



You will find yourself wanting to leave and go home at the same time, and there is nothing you can do about this. You will find yourself feeling too large for your body, and at the same time find yourself with a body that feels too large for you, and there is nothing you can do about this. You will find yourself with a beautiful boy and you will not want to stay in that room, with him, even though there is nothing more you can ask for in another human being, and there is nothing you can do about this. There is a constellation in the sky that was created the very second you were born, because no one and nothing was in the exact same position between the moon and the stars at the time of your birth, and this is your place in the universe. This is your spot to stand up tall because no one else was made for it, no one could have been, and neither will anyone else ever be made for it, and so you will just have to stay. You don’t want to. I know. You want to inhabit others’ successes and luck and they’re smiling a