Behind The Glass With Charlotte Eriksson

It could all be so simple



There is so much I don’t have. I fall into jealousy, watching other people have their ways, climb the ladder, build fancy lives in fancy houses with fancy cars -- and I rarely see what I do have, only what others have that I don’t. And I think it’s so easy to work and work and actually have the life you once dreamt for yourself but when you reach it, you’re too busy looking at others, looking at future you, looking over the shoulder, so you don’t even notice. I have so very simple dreams, although they’re large, and I have found just a few things that make me feel calm and safe, happy to just be around. I tried to build my life on those things and exclude the rest. I don’t have the house and the job, the car and the yearly holiday to Spain, but I do have freedom. I wanted freedom, in all forms, and I fought with all my power to build a life I wanted to wake up to. All my life I felt stuck in chains, by everything and everyone but then I found these few things that made me feel safe and calm and I ran with it.