Behind The Glass With Charlotte Eriksson

Letter To Younger Me



If I could say anything to 17 year old me, it would be this: 1. Don’t be so scared. Don’t waste your days worrying about the next day, next month, 5 years from now. Just do what you can with today. Be what you are right now, and work with it. You’re exactly in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing. Trust your story, you’re going to be something wonderful one day but now you are something too. 5. Learn to let go. People, seasons, cities and feelings will come and go. it’s the natural flow of life and nature, and you must be a part of it. Nothing is static and you don’t want to be, you want to learn to grow and flow with the seasons, being in constant movement. Learn to treasure what you what when you have it. When they leave you, learn to smile, say goodbye and move on being grateful that you now will go on being one experience richer. Lastly, live a little. Put your feet up. Laugh, loud, with strangers and friends. Take a night off. Go to the party and stay the night. let someone kind w