Streetwise Hebrew

#320 Toddlers and Miniature Models



The Hebrew word קטן looks small but its root holds a large number of slang expressions and verbs. Here’s an example: what does קטן עליי, literally “small on me,” mean in slang? Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Katan – Small – קטן Ze katan aleinu – Yes, we can do it – זה קטן עלינו Katan alai – Easy as pie – קטן עליי Katan aleycha, katan alayich – You can do it! – קטן עליך, קטן עלייך Ba-ktana – A bit, small size of something – בקטנה “Cottage baktana” – Mini-cottage-cheese – קוטג’ בקטנה Shtuyot, ba-ktana – It’s not a big deal – בקטנה Artsenu ha-ktantonet – Our tiny country – ארצנו הקטנטונת Ktantan, ktantonet, ktantanim – Small and cute – קטנטן, קטנטונת, קטנטנים Ktantanim – Toddlers – קטנטנים Lehaktin – To reduce, minimize, decrease – להקטין Taktin/taktini shniya – Minimize it for a sec. – תקטין, תקטיני שנייה Lehaktin rosh (to be rosh katan) – Do the minimum – להקטין ראש Nu, dai lehaktin rosh – Come on, stop doing the minimum – נו, די להקטין ראש Nitu’ach le-haktanat chaze –