Streetwise Hebrew

#318 Save Me a Spot, Will You?



Is it okay to save an open parking spot for someone, shooing away other drivers? Well, that’s what many Tel-Avivim do. It’s called לשמור חניה, and it happens all the time. On this episode, Guy continues with the root שמר, explaining how to say ‘watch your mouth?’ in Hebrew and why you should never really say it. Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Elohim Yishmor – Good lord – אלוהים ישמור Oy, elohim yishmor – Good lord – אוי, אלוהים ישמור Shmor/shimri/shimru merchak – Keep distance – שמור, שמרי, שמרו מרחק Tishmeri/shmeri merchak – Keep distance (fem. coll.) – תשמרי/שמרי מרחק Ani shomer merchak mimenu/mimena – I keep my distance from him/her – אני שומר מרחק ממנו/ממנה Tishmor al ha-olam, yeled – Take care of the world, kiddo – תשמור על העולם, ילד Lishmor al yeladim – Take care of children – לשמור על ילדים Mi yachol lishmor li al ha-chatul – Who can look after my cat – מי יכול לשמור לי על החתול Na lishmor al ha-nikayon/sheket – Please keep the place clean/please keep quiet –