
Emotional Hoarding Episode 1 of 2



Sandra Beck and Linda Franklin of Powered Up Talk Radio discuss Emotional Hoarding - what is it, what does it look like and how do we clear out our hoards of emotion!Behold the emotional hoarder- an individual stricken by an epidemic that’s holding their joy hostage and robbing them of their fulfillment. An emotional hoarder stockpiles every traumatic memory, slight, embarrassment, and heartbreak, past and present, only to live with the burden of each one every day. The more hoarders accumulate, emotional and otherwise, the more insulated they feel from the world and its dangers. The more they accrue, the more isolated they become from the best parts of their life, including love and friendship. Even the thought of facing or cleaning out the painful feelings or material possessions they’ve amassed produces reactions of extreme panic and discomfort. Also on Itunes!