
Adia Colar 02-25-2014



Adia Colar on Poweredup Talk Radio with Sandra Beck and Linda Franklin February 25, 2013 3pm PST on Toginet.com Adia Colar is the senior publicist at New Harbinger Publications. She has been a publicist for 8 years and a book publicist for over 6 years. One of the first books she publicized was the #1 New York Times bestseller The Untethered Soul, which was featured on Oprah’s Soul Series, Super Soul Sunday, and Good Morning America. She has also publicized The Relaxation & Stress Reduction Workbook, The Mindfulness & Acceptance Workbook for Anxiety, Eating Mindfully, and Emotional Fitness for Intimacy. Adia has garnered publicity hits in many media outlets, including The New York Times, O, The Oprah Magazine, Health, Self, Whole Living, Cosmopolitan, Wall Street Journal, Psychology Today, Chicago Tribune, Parade, Huffington Post, and The Dr. Oz Show. She was the freelance online publicist for Boaz Publishing and publicized Wawona Hotel and Reservation Nation. Adia Colar is also a freelance writer.