
Deb Boulanger 09-24-2013



Deb Boulanger is the Whole Life Coach for busy women over 40 who want more out of life from the food they eat, the love they get, and the work they do. She came to this work after her own transformational journey at 53 years old when she left a 26-year marriage and a 25-year corporate career. Her batteries were drained, adrenals were shot and passion had long faded. Through a three-year transformational journey, Deb learned how to nurture and tune her body as well as her soul. She re-evaluated her career, her relationships, her finances and created a renewed connection to her source. She discovered what it takes to truly be happy in this life – without selfishness or sacrifice – and now she shares this same formula with others. Today Deb is a sought after coach and mentor who leads other businesswomen on her 6-stage transformational journey and it all starts with food. She’s a certified health coach and runs the very successful program called Feeding Your Freedom and she works with dozens of women each ye