
Maureen McDermut 07-23-2013



Beginning with a career in banking, Maureen quickly accelerated to a position as Senior Vice President, developing the entertainment divisions for several Beverly Hills-based financial institutions. Her private banking departments served the personal and film production financial requirements of select customers in the entertainment industry. During her tenure with Manufacturers Hanover’s private banking division in New York, she was again entrusted with the financial needs of major business and high-profile customers . This extensive experience has instilled in Maureen the discretion and communication skills necessary in dealing with notable clientele requiring privacy, prudence and diplomacy. Maureen initiated her career as a Realtor in Los Angeles with a position in commercial real estate. Relocating to Santa Barbara over a decade ago, Maureen moved into the field of residential real estate with the prestigious Pitts & Bachmann agency, where she specialized in high-end properties. When the firm was a