John G. Sutton

Psychic World with John G. Sutton and his Co-host Countess Starella: Divination and Predictions - is it Possible to See the Future?



Can Psychics Really See The Future? How is it possible for clairvoyants to receive visions of events that have yet to happen? John G. Sutton and Countess Starella will be looking at the way predictions are made, considering the history and veracity of the ancient belief that divination actually works. Since time immemorial mankind has sought to discover the truth of tomorrow with the practice of prognostication dating back to the Delphic Oracle, Egyptian Astrology, Neolitihic Stone Circles and all manner of weird and wonderful ways to enable mankind to peer into the mysteries of what will be. Join John and Starella as they look into the magical mysticism that surrounds their profession. You can call in and ask your personal questions about what dreams may come.